
Friday, February 25, 2022

 Gonzaga number one? My numbers say no. 

The Dean's list

When my friend Picknroll asked me to write a weekly article about the nation's top-twenty teams, I agreed. Certain rules applied. First, I picked the topic, and second, he could only edit what I wrote. That seemed fair enough. Our weekly conversation about the AP Poll is something we both love to discuss or argue, depending on our respective opinions. Week one and we differed on which team was number one. Picknroll liked Gonzaga, and I think Arizona is better. We both agreed that at least 7 teams could win the crown.

     Those teams are the Zags, Arizona, Kentucky, Kansas, Auburn, Duke, with Purdue lingering around the edges. We talked about stats. We talked about defense, and we talked about shooting. I'd say our conservation went on for two hours. At the end of the conversation, I had convinced Picknroll that Gonzaga simply could not be the best team in the NCAA. Here's the reason why I think the Zags are not the best. Who have they beaten? Who have they won? Alabama walloped Gonzaga in a game billed as the biggest game played in the State of Washington. Duke beat the Zags in a close one. Neither of the losses was an away game. So who have they won?

Texas is a pretty good team. UCLA is a tournament team, and the Zags handled them. I supposed Texas Tech is going dancing but could hardly be called a good team. St. Mary's is a good team but hardly a world-beater. That's it. The rest of the teams that lost to Gonzaga are not worthy of mention, except Wisconsin is a good loss. Pick says that doesn't mean Gonzaga could still be the best team in America. I just don't see it. Right now, I think it's Arizona. According to the NCAA, it is interesting to note that Auburn, Kansas, and Arizona have all been engaged in cheating. When you play in a fairy-tale league, it causes some questions about how good your team might be. 

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