
Friday, February 24, 2023

National Sports Media is not about journalism. It's all about the $$$

Miller is defamed by the media when he was a victim himself...

     The national sports media isn't about a search for the truth. It is a search for advertising money and personal greed. So-called reporters are simply the masters of click-baiting. Aggrandizing mislabeled article titles is merely a lure to read second-rate writers. They don't care about honesty or fair play. They care about their bank accounts. The more clicks, the more money. 

     These snake oil charmers have been around forever. They are not writers but rather influencers. Do you think they care about the pain Brandon Miller has gone through? Of course, not. Some people believe this is an anti-Bama conspiracy. While that belief might have some truth, it is more about showing me the money. Capitalism and money are what America is about. The wave of unqualified pundits on the internet is no different from the robber barons in the 19th century.

     For better or worse, Brandon Miller is left alone to defend himself. How can he do that? There is no constructive way for him to do so at this time. Slander or defamation lawsuits are rarely successful. Freedom of Speech is an essential part of the American dream. However, even unsuccessful lawsuits can teach a lesson. It will be interesting to see the individuals who have defamed Miller would respond when the spotlight falls on them. A few "writers" changed their stories today. Now they are getting more clicks. They get money making up the lie and more money correcting their lies. Most will do nothing; they will crawl back into the dirt from were they came and continue the model. 

     The University of Alabama could pull credentials and tell them they are no longer welcome in Tuscaloosa. Interview requests could be denied. Telephone calls to players and coaches should not be returned. Colleges should have a persona non-gratis list and publish it for their industry to see. That list should state why those writers are denied an opportunity to interface with Alabama. It might change if the NCAA denied writers a chance to contact players and coaches if there is a history of lying. 

     I don't think Alabama handled the matter perfectly. I'm not sure there is a way to do that. The subsequent publication by Miller's lawyers clarified what actually happened. Some will say, how do we know that is the truth. It is unreasonable to think a law firm would risk substantially damaging its reputation by lying. Miller will survive this. Alabama will survive this. Oats will explain to recruits what actually happened. A young woman was killed. Her daughter will miss her. A family has been shattered. I'm sure at the proper time, the University will offer some reconciliation to the daughter.  Perhaps the University will ask for forgiveness and let her know she will be given a free education anywhere she chooses to attend.  That day will come. Not today or next week, but down the line, Alabama will offer its heartfelt condolences.  Perhaps an annual scholarship will be given in the mother's name.

     Miller was a lesser victim. I suspect he will grow stronger from this. Lessons are learned, and lessons can be taught to others. We all learn from the callous disregard of the truth.  Many of us have carried a heavy heart from all this. This nation has always been a nation of lies. But as individuals, we can seek a better path.

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