No consensus as to who will win the Tournament ....
If you talk with ten different fans from from ten different teams you'll get ten different answers. That's what you have to love about the SEC. Everyone sees their respective teams through rose colored glasses. I have talked with about 20 fans across the SEC. Only Kentucky fans feel they are lock to win the SEC. Of course, they also feel they are lock to win the NCAA, and the NBA championship if allowed to play.
Most SEC fans do believe that Kentucky or Florida will win the Tournament, but even the Auburn fans feel like they might win the shootout. They have won two straight, played Bama off their wheels on two occasions, and all they need is for Ole Miss to beat Kentucky. LSU fans seemed to feel like they need a new coach. It is kind of sad to see LSU reduced to an afterthought
Georgia fans are touting their home court advantage and are absolutely sure they will beat Bama in a rematch. Georgia fans also feel that Auburn can't run in Cam Newton at this late date. Smirk, smirk. Alabama fans think they are under appreciated by the SEC and the NCAA, but especially by ESPN, and the talking heads around the nation. Bama has won 12 of their last 16 and apparently that doesn't matter for much according to some.
You cannot count out Mississippi State according the Bullie fans. Dee Bost, Renardo Sidney, and Ravern Johnson can rise up to smite you on any given occasion. Tennessee fans, who believe that Bruce Pearl has been unduly selected by the nasty NCAA for ridicule, believe that Scotty Hopkins can lead them out of the wilderness and into the promised land. Vanderbilt fans believe they come from a superior gene pool and thus in matters of great stress can contain their composure and will win. It might help if they get out a few three point shooters now and again.
After all the jawing in good nature most SEC fans voted this way: 1. Kentucky 2. Florida 3. Vandy 4. Alabama. That has nothing to do with their bracketing, just who they think can actually win. It was interesting that no Arkansas teams thought the Hogs could win but offered to sell their tickets to me a cut rate. Does this bode ill will toward John Pelphry? It is long way from Fayetteville to Atlanta to see your team lose in the first round. Maybe it is just the gas prices.
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