Tide's home away from home
this week.... |
Hey guys, I've been preaching the gospel of Alabama basketball for decades. I
really appreciate all the great support I receive from basketball fans when some people blast me. I do this blog because I love Alabama basketball and that is the only reason. There are some people like Grant's Tomb and Ultimate Curtis are just unhappy and the rest of us know that. As for being a Blount County lawyer that is correct. I do know our Judge. He is a fine man, and is a man beyond reproach. So if you guys think you are knocking me with such silly comments about knowing the Judge you are slandering him and not me. Of course, cowards like Tomb and Curtis don't have the courage to tell anyone who they are. I can imagine them sitting in a darkened apartment throwing off on anyone they can before they go to the porn channel for a date.
Besides being a lawyer I also have a Master's degree in Individual Counseling. That is where dysfunctional misfits like Grant and Curtis are sent by judges or their mothers to seek some guidance about why they are losers. Sometimes it is a divorce and the wife who says counseling for you little man, or you are out of house. Ladies, let me save you the time and trouble. If you are married to a Tombman or Curtisboy just divorce them and move on. If you have children as result of a marriage, you also have one other child. That would be the big one to whom you are married. And don't worry, his sexual dysfunctional problems are not your fault. Deep inside you hate the child you call husband but want the marriage to survive for the sake of the kids. Let me give you some free advice as both a lawyer and a counselor. Dump him before the children start to act like him. Or worst become him.
The profile of a negative poster is actually fascinating. Here are a few terms that are used to describe such people: embittered, of low intelligence, lack of self esteem, and immature. But the one that is the most important, at least in my mind, is fearful. I don't mean they are scared of the boogie man but they find life fearful and too stressful to successfully live. The are followers, and passive aggressive, and are frequently spousal abusers. They fall short of killing animals in microwave but secretly think that would be a pretty cool thing to do. So these type people lead their fearful, angry, and underachieving lives in solitude without many friends. Now I might be wrong about such people. Maybe they are happy and outgoing. Maybe a half full glass means they are optimistic because they see it as not empty. Maybe these are church and community leaders. Maybe they were chosen as most likely to succeed by their fellow high school seniors. Maybe they have all the answers about me. I hope they do. I can't formulate the questions I have about myself yet.
Typical Negative Poster
LOL - just joking |
Thanks for all those people who are nice enough to defend me. I do the best I can. I know a lot about basketball, and like many of you have suffered for years at the lack of real basketball coverage. At the age of 64 I have accumulated a great deal of knowledge have been a Tide basketball fan for since the age of 6. When you get to be my age you have learned a lot of things. Let me share three things if I may. Give thanks for your friends, don't worry about dysfunctional people, and that real men confront you face to face. Cowards don't. So guys, when people like Tomb and Curtis knock me that's okay. They are merely playing out their true role in life. It is a role they have practiced for years. They can't help it though. It is all they know, and all they learned about relationships with other people. So Grant and Curtis I appreciate the time to you take to have someone read my posts for you. At least I know it is making you think about basketball. Who knows? Perhaps one day your small cranial cavities will fire off two stray neurons which will randomly collide, and you will have something to add to the conversation. Why don't you send me your names and addresses and we can discuss all these things in great detail. Wait, you can't do that can you? That would be an actual confrontation as compared to sticking a knife in someones back. Right now I don't have the time. I've got to go over talk with the judge, write some letters, and then get ready to got back to NYC to watch us win the NIT. You knows what goes with NIT? The answer is WIT.
Bill, I'd enjoy meeting you and we don't live far apart. Email me at ben.shurett@sandmountainreporter.com and we'll talk.