
Friday, May 20, 2011

An apology overdue...

Sorry Trevor I misunderstood you...

     I grew up in Blount County, Alabama. My parents, Big Bill and Carolyn Ellis, taught all of their children at an early age that when you are wrong about something you apologize. Trevor, I wrote this article which suggested you may have been a prima dona. I feel pretty certain that Jack Doss has already made you learn what that phrase means if he still does the word a day drill.

     You are certainly not a prima dona. You are a solid citizen and I've heard that from about a million emails after I wrote my blog wondering if you eating up the glory. I now understand you were having a really tough time in deciding what you really wanted to do. I've been in the your shoes (not the basketball ones) many times. Sometimes it takes a lot of praying and thinking about what you should do.. Some things are easy, like writing this public apology. Son, I was wrong about you and I hope you will accept my sincere apology.

    I hope that my error will serve as a example to you that even adults, old adults, can make some pretty stupid mistakes. That article ranks right up there at the top of dumb things I've done and things I'm not proud of doing. People who know me will tell you that you will not have a bigger fan in the BamaNation than me. Had you gone to Kentucky I would have been a big fan as well. If you had gone to Auburn I'm not so sure. Only kidding. Remember this - this difference between class and ass is only two letters. That's not much. I hope you understand. Roll Tide and don't be afraid to shoot even when the coaches get mad. Shooters have to shoot. And you, young man, are a shooter, and a class act from every source I've spoken with.

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